Biyernes, Pebrero 6, 2015

Change Will Start With Me...

          Life does not get better by “chance”, it gets better by “change”. And if we focus on the result, we will never change. But if we focus on change, you will get results. The question now is can we change for the better? Or for our worst?
               Change is defined to be different, to become something or someone else. Change was never easy to those people who does not make efforts to do it. If you really w
ant to make a change do it sincerely. Think positive and for sure you’ll be the change that you wish to be. Change starts with yourself because if you can’t change you can’t do some changes in other things also. As the saying goes “There is nothing permanent in this world except CHANGE” you cant expect a thing to be that way it can’t be the same. And if you want to change something you must first change yourself improve you self. There are three things to remember choices, chances and changes. You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change. Change starts with yourself if you can change yourself for the better it will not be hard to change something. You must do your best in everything specially in in improving yourself to become a better person. Its still not late to change yet as long as you want it you’ll reach it. Like a dream, change can be pursued. Change for the better not for the worst. We live in a world that only change last forever don’t be afraid and don’t lose hope.
          Don’t be afraid to change. We may lose something good but may gain something better. Always remember that if we don’t change, we don’t grow. And if we don’t grow, we aren't really living. Be the change you want to see. And yes! Change will start with me! :)

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